Hi, my name is Joel Aguilera, and this is my dog Canelo. I am the graphic designer, and he is the inspiration. Here at Canelo Design Studios, we do a little bit of everything. Each design has a little bit of Canelo's charm that makes it unique and stand out from the rest. Here at Canelo Design Studios, you don't just hire a designer and his dog, but you also get 2 friends who will always be here to lend a couple of paws.
What We Do!
- Business logos
- Personal logos
- One color logos
- Multi color logos
- Digital art
- Sketches
- Character design
- Concept art
- Brand identity
- Business cards
- Ads
- Print design
- Logo intros
- Gifs
- Motion posters
- Video editing​​​​​​​

Why Hire Us?
Canelo and I are extremely passionate about the graphic design world. We want you to know that if you choose us for your graphic design needs, 100 no.. 110% of our heart and effort will go into your designs. We will be honest, professional, and fun. Heck even if you just need advice or someone to talk too, send us an email. We will never turn our backs to potential clients, friends, or business partners.

In Loving Memory
This page is dedicated to my best friend, Canelo Aguilera! I love you little guy. You are still right next to me when I am designing. Thank you for everything.
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